
Welcome to the official and only website of onecore - the one page cms!

What onecore is

onecore consists of one single file which contains the onecore-source (PHP 5) and the content of the website, too. Imagine, you have one HTML site - a manual, a frontpage, a linklist or something like that - and you want to edit this page without any external editor. Then onecore is perfect for you. Onecore is HTML page and content in one file.



onecore is free software but please do not deploy onecore without the copyright. You are not allowed to sell onecore without my written permission!

The technology & requirements

Onecore is an HTML site containing some PHP and JavaScript which make it possible to edit the HTML part of the site without any additional tool.

Server requirements

Client requirements


How to use it


To install onecore, simply copy it to a directory inside your web root and name it as you want. Make sure that the file extension tells your webserver to activate PHP. Important is the write permission for PHP respective the webserver on this file.

The first launch

Launch onecore ( In the further steps I guess that you placed your file under http://localhost/index.php.

Now you see a little HTML-Page with sample content. To open the administration area, simply go to http://localhost/index.php?admin. I think most of the further steps are self-explaining.


The full project is located at at github. Download your copy of onecore right here.


Q: Is onecore secure?

A: No, not yet! It is a really quick and dirty solution.

Q: Why is this website that ugly?

A: Erm...had no time to do make a better one.

Q: Is this website built with onecore?

A: Of course!

Q: Who developed onecore?

A: Don't you know the guy who wrote it? It's me!

Project and site maintenanced by Remo Fritzsche.

Page generated by onecore, the one page cms.

Donations are welcome!